The following article first appeared in the Wednesday, June 28, 1967 edition of “The Ojai Valley News and Oaks Gazette” on Page C-4. That newspaper is now the “Ojai Valley News”. The article is reprinted here with their permission.
The Great Akela hands out pack awards on final pow wow of year
Peg Ryan

As the lengthening shadows fell across the Ojai Valley last Friday night, a tom-tom beat was heard at Camp Willet, calling the Great Akela to the last meeting of the season for Pack 3509.
Standing before the leaping flames of the council fire, Akela (Bob Hoovan) and his second chief (Bill Krips) with painted faces and in full Indian regalia, made a most impressive sight, as they presented the following awards: Bobcat rank, Jimmy McConnell, Michael Grizzard, Eddie Hoovan and Robert Leonard; Greg Herrick, Wolf emblem, gold arrow, two silver arrows; Donald Miller, Wolf emblem, gold arrow; Wolf emblems to Mike Smith, Todd Hillgeist, Ricky Taylor and David Williams; Kerry Ryan, Bear rank, gold arrow, six silver arrows; Terry McConnell, Lion rank, gold arrow, six silver arrows; Mark Rivers and Jeffery Krips, Lion emblem; Billy Arant, Lion emblem, silver arrow.
George Oliver, Webelos Den Leader, accepted four boys, Mark Rivers, Robert Hoovan, Jeffery Krips and Terry McConnell into his den, the last lap of the Cub Scout trail.
The new charter was presented by Joe Tanghetti; new Cubs, Steve Pullen and Eddie Hoovan were introduced to the packs, with their parents. “Akela” presented thank you certificates to Steve and Janice Vargo, outgoing committee man and Den mother. Terry McConnelll presented Janice with a gift from Den 6, her former den.
The dens competed with each other in a new yell. Sally Seidenkranz led the entire assemblage in a number of songs and a skit, “Gripping Episode of Gory Gulch”, in which everyone took part.
The most enjoyable pack meeting of the season closed with the playing of “Taps” by Robbie Johnson, Boy Scout Den 1, den chief. The “echo” of Taps was played from a distant hillside by Ernie Seidenkranz.