Name most valuable of Ranger gridders

This article first appeared in the Sunday, December 18, 1966 edition of “The Ojai Valley News and Oaks Gazette” on Page A-5. That newspaper is now the “Ojai Valley News”. The article is reprinted here with their permission.

Name most valuable of Ranger gridders
Tim Tuttle

All Tri-Valley League tackle Jim Sandefur was honored along with the Nordhoff football squads and cross-country team in their annual banquet last Tuesday night. He won the Rangers most valuable player and best lineman award of the Tri-Valley league champions. The voting was done by his teammates.

Sandefur actually took home three awards, as he was also voted team captain along with all-league center Steve Olsen. Other special awards went to senior halfback John Hodge and junior tackle Bill Shields. They won the most valuable back and most improved awards this year.

The Mainstay

Tackle Sandefur was the mainstay of the Ranger line this year at 6′ 1″, 200 pounds and named all-Tri-Valley league honorable mention last year as center. He was one of three Tri-Valley leaguers who made both offensive and defensive first teams. Besides playing basketball, Jim lettered in varsity baseball last year when he won most inspirational player and was a starting catcher on the Ranger baseball team. One of the highlights of the season, in which Nordhoff compiled a 6-0 league record, was when he drove all-league tackle Chuck Herman all over the field in the game with Bishop Diego.

Hodge didn’t start playing regularly until the fourth game of the season against Carpinteria, but once he started rolling there was no stopping him. He ran 21 yards for a score against Carpinteria, plunged for one against Santa Ynez while he rushed for 92 yards in both of the games, averaging 9.2 against Santa Ynez. He scored three touchdowns against Channel Islands and ended the season with 10 scores. One of the more crucial scores came in the Bishop Diego game on a short run on the third down.

Shields played guard last year on the junior varsity, but when it looked that Nordhoff didn’t have many tackles, Bill shifted over to there. 6′ and 170 pounds Bill has another year at Nordhoff and many people are looking for him to fill Sandefur’s vacated spot.


Winning their first varsity letters in football were sophomores Larry Reynosa and Mike Vail, juniors Steve Holley, Craig King, Marty Jensen, Bobby Hill, Ron Brandolino, Gerry Waddell, David Cain, Gary Morrow, Rick Kambestad, Clem Kenriksen, Bob Hardy. Srs. winning their first letter were Jan Colenbrander, Lee Mason, John Brown, John Higby, Terry Anderson and Richard Colman. Seniors winning their second varsity letter were Mike Cook, John Hodge, Clark Reams, Steve Olsen, Randy Moore, Charles Miller, Ray Bunch, Jim Sandefur and Mike Terry.

Coach Del Garst’s junior varsity took third place once again with a 5-4 record. Selected as best back was Tim Krout, best lineman Ken Hook, most improved player Larry Thomas and Dale Jenkins and Leroy Perry, captains. Coaches Lasley and Garst presented J. V. letters to Richard Price, John Sheltren, Jeff Norcott, Carl Silkett, Larry Thomas, Dale Jenkins, Dan Anderson, Kent Campbell, Steve Schaaf, Tim Krout, Bob Braner, Ken Hook, George Conrad, Casey Lasley, David Smith, Steve Gibson, Casey Mansfield, Drew Mashburn, Steve Milroy, Larry Sisk, Bruce Wolsey, Brett Cuthbert, Rick Love, Leroy Perry, Charles Howard, Randy Magner, Curt Fischer and David Rice.

Coached by Bob Heller, Nordhoff Thinclads took second place behind a strong Channel Islands squad. The special awards were presented to Mike Chambliss for most valuable player; Pat Harwell for varsity most improved; and Jerry Lindquist for most team spirit. Dan McKinney was awarded junior varsity most improved. Earning varsity letters were Mike Chambliss, Bill Borgeson, Scott Maggard, Dennis Clegg, Pat Harwell, Dan McKinney, Randy Isham, Greg Stafford and manager Luke Hall.

Ojai was ‘torn apart and rebuilt’

This article first appeared in the August 26, 1970 edition of the Ojai Valley News. It is reprinted here with their permission. The author is Ed Wenig.

Ojai was ‘torn apart and rebuilt’

(Editor’s note: this is the second in a series of articles by historian Ed Wenig on Civic Center Park and the man responsible for its gift “to the people of the Ojai Valley” — Edward Libbey).

On September 1, 1916, THE OJAI printed an editorial from the Ventura Free Press, written by Editor D. J. Reese, who had attended the Men’s League Banquet in March at the Foothills Hotel:

“Some morning, not far distant, the village of Nordhoff is going to wake up and find itself famous. The work being done in that section just now would make the man who has known Nordhoff of old rub his eyes in astonishment if he was brought into the place suddenly. Great things are in store no doubt. The town has been torn apart and several sections have been removed hither and yon. There has been a general clearing up of everything, and everybody has an expectant look as though wondering what will happen next. The main street has been piled full of terra cotta brick, and no one seems to know what is doing. Old landmarks like the Clark stables and the Ojai Inn have vanished as before a Kansas cyclone. Only the beautiful oaks, and here and there a substantial house like the bank or the clubhouse or the Nordhoff fountain and splendid Ojai atmosphere seem to be left. Something is surely doing. Ask what it is and the Nordhoffite will throw up his hands and mention the name of Libbey. You hear about Libbey every time you ask a question. Everywhere you go you note that somebody is working hard at something or other in digging ditches or burying water pipe or clearing underbrush or building massive and magnificent cobble walls. Why, it is to be another Montecito, you are told . . . “The people there are to be congratulated that they have a Libbey who has taken an interest in their affairs. It is to be hoped they will give him free rein.”

Vast Land Holdings

At an Ojai Valley Men’s League banquet at the Foothills Hotel J. J. Burke, speaking of improvements, told of a well of Mr. Libbey’s which “will pump at least 65 inches, and if Mr. Libbey’s plans materialize he will spend $20,000 in getting the water to his ranch. . . . The old Ojai Inn and all but one of the Berry Villa buildings have been torn down or moved away, making room for more extensive improvements in the future. Through the generosity of Mr. Libbey, Signal Street was cut through and graded to the railroad.”

In the spring of 1916 Libbey was reported to be visiting his friend, H. T. Sinclair and discussing with Mr. Thacher, Colonel Wilson and W. W. Bristol “sundry matters of importance to the community.”

On June 9, 1916 it was announced that E. D. Libbey had bought 200 more acres to add to his previous 300-acre property. “Among the early improvements will be the laying of a water main from his well on the Gally tract to his large holdings. And that is not all, as the entire square upon which once stood the Ojai Inn, is to be improved in a manner that augurs well for the future of Nordhoff, which is good news to the entire community. Mr. H. T. Sinclair has been taken into Mr. Libbey’s confidence and will be the directing head during his absence. Let us be glad, as well as thankful for so generous a promoter as E. D. Libbey.”

On June 16, 1916, we are told that Mr. Libbey has bought the last parcel of privately owned land in what is now the Civic Park. In the local paper, “The plans Mr. Libbey is making to benefit both the town and the Valley has met with the highest approbation of the committee and the cooperation of the League in every way is assured.”

It was reported on June 30 that the Berry Villa, “an historical step-sister of the Ojai Inn, now a demolished antiquity,” had been torn down and the lumber hauled away.

By July 14, fifty men in one crew were working on the Libbey pay roll. Tom Clark destroyed his barn north of his livery stable and constructed a rock wall for a modern garage. This wall can still be seen as part of the Village Drug Store.

Early in November, Architect Requa, of the San Diego architectural firm of Mead and Requa, went to Toledo and got full approval of the plans for the renovation of the main street of Nordhoff. The local newspaper reported, “The post office tower, penetrating the lower heavens 65 feet is to be a reality. There are many features that we shall be delighted to prattle about when fully assured that the architect has removed the censorship.”

In March, 1917, representatives of the Men’s League met with Mr. Libbey. A corporation was formed under the name of THE OJAI CIVIC ASSOCIATION. The incorporators were E. D. Libbey, S. D. Thacher, J. J. Burke, Harrison Wilson, H. T. Sinclair, A. A. Garland, and H. R. Cole. Said the editor of the paper: “The initial purpose of the corporation is to assume title to the valuable property acquired by gift from Mr. Libbey . . . This beautiful park and the tennis courts, covering more than seven acres, is to become the property of the people of Nordhoff and the Ojai Valley.

Concurrent with the changes in the appearance of the town of Nordhoff came a popular move to change the name of the village to Ojai. A petition was circulated under the auspices of Supervisor Tom Clark requesting the name change, and received so many signatures that it was five feet long by the time H. D. Morse, manager of the Foothills Hotel, sent it to Washington D. C. In March, 1917, Senator James D. Phelan sent the following telegram: “You may announce the change of name from Nordhoff to Ojai.”