This article was in the Thursday, October 27, 1960 edition of “The Ojai Press.” The author is unknown. “The Ojai Press” was acquired by the “Ojai Valley News.” The article is reprinted here with the permission of the “Ojai Valley News.”
![GOOD SKATES USE RAKES -- To help the community, members of the Ojai Valley Gun Club went Saturday with rakes and cleaned up the area on Shelf Road where a lot of practice shooting is done. Left to right are Bud Creswell, treasurer of the club; C. T. Johnson, vice-president; Cherie Johnson; Ric Johnson, president; and Audrey Hoyt.](
Over the weekend a group of members of the Ojai Valley Gun Club cleaned up the site on Shelf Rd. where most Valley shooters do their practicing. Two pickup truck loads of junk were collected and hauled to the dump and a trash barrel was placed at the site.
Next Sunday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Casitas Recreation Area the Gun Club will hold a .22 caliber rifle shoot for youngsters from 12 to 17 years of age. Each group or individual entering must be sponsored by an adult and provide his own .22 rifle and ammunition. Anyone interested may obtain information by contacting Ric Johnson, MI 6-2284 or Hugh McBride, MI 6-3185.
Ventura River Municipal Water District has given permission for .22 rifle shoots at the Casitas Dam Recreation Area and the Gun Club, with the cooperation of Glen Todd, director of the area, has held several shoots there. The club is still searching for a suitable range convenient to the Valley so that they can do all types of shooting.
The regular meeting of the group will be held Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2 at Nordhoff High School.
A program will be put on by representatives of the Winchester Arms Co. and manufacturers of loading tools and components. It will be a “hand-loaders” clinic.
All interested persons are invited to attend.