The following article first appeared in the Sunday, May 21, 1967 edition of “The Ojai Valley News and Oaks Gazette” on Page A-4. That newspaper in now the “Ojai Valley News”. The article is reprinted here with their permission. The author is unknown.
Realtors: time is right to by home
“The Time is Right to Buy a Home” is the theme of the 1967 Realtor Week celebration this week by the 75 members of the Ojai Valley Board of Realtors, Effie Skelton, board president, announced today.
In honor of Realtor Week, a number of observances have been scheduled as Realtors in this area join with their more than 85,000 colleagues across the nation directing public attention to their calling and special character of the services they render.
“A Realtor,” said Mrs. Skelton , “is a profession in real estate who subscribes to a strict code of ethics as a member of the local and state boards and the National Associations of Real Estate Boards.”
The term Realtor, which is a coined term and trademark, can be used only by members of the National Association and its local boards.
In discussing the Code of Ethics, it was one of the first such codes adopted in the history of American business. Under it 30 articles which cover all aspects of real estate transaction, Realtors pledge fair treatment and their total real estate knowledge to both parties of a contract — the buyer and seller.
Realtor week will continue through Saturday, May 27. The slogan this year underscores the resourcefulness of Realtors throughout the nation. For the prospective buyer who is experiencing a little difficulty in securing financing for property, the Realtor can suggest new money sources. For the family which needs more space for growth, the Realtor can fill their needs, both as to size and cost.
The local board was founded in 1962. The parent group, the National Association or Real Estate Boards, was founded in 1908, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Chicago.
1967 will continue to be a busy year for the Ojai Valley Board of Realtors. Last year some members assisted in the Heart Fund Drive, others with the Ojai Valley Museum, one on the Architectural Board, also, a committee working with the high school, in which the board is sponsoring an essay contest for a Calif. Real Estate Assn. scholarship. The board will enter a float in the 4th of July parade in Ojai.
They received a plaque for first award in 1966. They have committees covering local and civic affairs, as well as legislation.